Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

OCD Subtypes

The DSM - 5 classifies OCD as having recurrent and persistent intrusive thoughts,

images, or impulses (obsessions) that cause an individual significant distress. The

obsession is then followed by compulsive actions or thoughts aimed at prevention of the

distress or feared outcome associated with the obsessions. While the DSM - 5 does not

specify specific subtypes, there are several known common subtypes of OCD.

Subtypes of OCD include contamination or concerns with germs/ cleanliness,

aggressive or harm related fears, religious or moral concerns (scrupulosity),

perfectionism, excessive concern with responsibility, sexual or taboo obsessions, and

“just right” OCD. While these are some of the more common presentations of OCD, this

is not an all-encompassing list. OCD may present itself in vastly different ways from

individual to individual.

Regardless of the subtype of OCD, cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure and

response prevention treatment (ERP) have been shown through empirical research to

be the gold standard of treatment. However, understanding some of the unique

differences in presentation between the subtypes may help guide treatment

interventions. While some compulsions may be similar across various subtypes such as

reassurance seeking and avoidance. Other compulsions may be more common to

specific subtypes such as hand washing and barrier use in contamination OCD or

praying and confessing in scrupulosity. Even within subtypes symptoms can vary

significantly between individuals. Through clinical interviews and OCD specific

assessments, such as the YBOCS symptom checklist, a mental health professional can

help an individual narrow down their OCD presentation and develop an individualized

treatment plan targeting their symptoms.

See future blogs for details specific to common subtypes.


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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

Panic attacks vs anxiety attacks and Panic Disorder

Panic attacks and anxiety attacks are often used synonymously however there are subtle differences that make these experiences different.  The biggest difference between the two is panic attacks often happen unexpectedly and suddenly while anxiety attacks are in response to a certain trigger and build up gradually.  Both are associated with uncomfortable physical symptoms such as racing heart, change in breathing, shaking, chills, nausea and sweating.  Panic attacks are quite common, with about 11% of people in the United States reporting at least 1 panic attack in a year.  Females are 2x more likely to experience panic attacks than males.  Most panic attacks peak within 10 minutes with majority of sufferers reporting panic attack symptoms lasting between 5-20 minutes however some attacks can be longer.  Researchers are unsure why panic attacks happen however some research suggests a dysfunction in the amygdala which is the part of the brain that processes fear.  While other research suggests chemical imbalances in GABA, cortisol and serotonin.  Risk factors for experiencing a panic attack include: a family history, co-occurring mental health conditions and adverse childhood experiences (ACES). Those with a family history of panic attacks are 40% more likely to experience a panic attack than those with no family history. 


For some, experiencing panic attacks will lead to a further diagnosis of panic disorder.  Not everyone who has panic attacks will qualify for panic disorder diagnosis however a trained clinician will use the DSM-5 -American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) criteria to assess the individual.  According to the DSM, panic disorder occurs when the individual has had multiple, unexpected panic attacks, usually without warning.  The attacks must also not be associated with another mental health or physical condition.  In addition to experiencing panic attacks the individual must also have a persistent worry for more than a month regarding having another panic attack which results in the individual changing behaviors in order to avoid situations that may trigger another attack. The most effective form of psychotherapy for panic disorder is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with exposure therapy (ERP). An individual can also make lifestyle changes such as avoiding caffeine, alcohol and smoking as well as exercising regularly, eating healthy and managing stress effectively.  With treatment, most people will be able to successfully manage their panic attacks leading to less impairment.  Though panic attacks are not physically harmful, if left untreated panic disorder can result in decreased quality of life and impairment in social functioning.  


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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized as a person who has excessive and uncontrollable worry. It can feel like a sense of dread or general fear something bad could happen. People can worry excessively about current real issues or future oriented problems that may never happen. Common themes of worry are about health, safety, finances, relationships or performance. Children can worry about academic or athletic performance, relationships with friends, or the safety of themselves or their loved ones. It is common to see those with GAD having chronic headaches, stomach aches or muscle aches, many have difficulty sleeping and find worry can be worse when it’s time to fall asleep or the middle of the night.

Worry used to be thought of as a personality trait, we often hear “I’m just a worrier” but research has shown that it is cognitive phenomenon that can be impairing to one’s life when it becomes too much. When it starts to interfere with one’s daily functioning and increased suffering, it’s important to recognize this as a mental health condition that can be treated with CBT.

See link to take you to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America page to learn more about GAD.


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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is characterized by and individual having a cycle of obsessions (unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images or impulses that trigger distress) and compulsions (behaviors or thoughts that one uses in attempt to reduce fear, anxiety and distress caused by obsessions).

Many people will have times in their life where they have obsessions and/or compulsions, but that does not mean they have OCD. Those with OCD spend excessive amounts of time in their disorder and it will interfere with activities of daily living, important activities and reduce quality of life.

 It can occur at any age, but often will present at 8-12 years old, or late teen-early adulthood.

While many people have ideas on how OCD can present itself, there are numerous subtypes of OCD with variations on the symptoms one may have; Contamination, Responsibility, Sexual, Violent, Religious/moral, Real Event or false memories, Identity, and Perfectionism are some more common themes.


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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a treatment modality, working to identify how thoughts(cognitions), emotions and behaviors relate to each other while then making adjustments to your behaviors and thoughts to treat many mental health problems. Goals of CBT can be to learning to identify and recognize how one’s thinking errors/cognitive distortions can lead to one’s behaviors, and vice versa, leading to a developed plan to make changes to improve one’s quality of life.

Exposure and Ritual Prevention (ERP) is the specific form of CBT that is utilized to treat anxiety disorders. Research has found it to be the most effective for the treatment of anxiety disorders*. CBT has also been show to be effective for many other mental health concerns.

 All clinicians at the Center for Anxiety Disorders are trained and utilize CBT as the main treatment modality with their clients.


*Abramowitz JS. Effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A quantitative review. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1997;65:44–52. Abramowitz JS. The psychological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Can J Psychiatry. 2006;51:407–16).

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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

Anxiety or Anxiety Disorder?

We all have anxiety; it’s is a biological activation of our nervous system to keep us safe, from real or perceived danger. So, then what makes it a disorder? When an individual has impairments or dysfunction as a result of the symptoms from anxiety, it becomes a disorder.

An individual with an anxiety disorder will experience event that triggers a thought that activates a fear, they will then engage in a variety of different behaviors to try to control and reduce the thoughts, fears and physical sensations that arise from an activating incident. As these thoughts, fears, sensations and behaviors increase over time, it becomes a problem when an individual sees impairments and harm to their functioning as a result.

Yes, we all can say we feel anxiety as that is a normal part of human life, but it is important to know the difference between the common feeling and when it becomes impairing to an individual.

Our clinicians will be able to help you identify and diagnose an anxiety disorder, then develop a treatment plan to help you reduce your symptoms, impairments, dysfunction and suffering.

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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

The Center for Anxiety Disorders: Who are we?

The Center for Anxiety Disorders is a group of highly trained clinicians who specialize in the treatment of anxiety disorders using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, with an emphasis on Exposure and Ritual Prevention — or ERP. We are located in Brookfield, WI and serve all of the Milwaukee-metro area.

ERP is empirically validated as the treatment of choice for anxiety disorders*, with the goal of reducing symptoms and not just learning how to manage anxiety. Our therapists are trained to develop an individual treatment plan made for our patient’s specific symptoms of anxiety, as no two patients present the same. We utilize ERP for the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder with and without Agoraphobia, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.


*Abramowitz JS. Effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A quantitative review. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1997;65:44–52. Abramowitz JS. The psychological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Can J Psychiatry. 2006;51:407–16).

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Katie Kreitzer Katie Kreitzer

Coming soon!

We’re excited to share that our therapists will begin contributing to our blog soon. Stay tuned!

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