Panic attacks vs anxiety attacks and Panic Disorder

Panic attacks and anxiety attacks are often used synonymously however there are subtle differences that make these experiences different.  The biggest difference between the two is panic attacks often happen unexpectedly and suddenly while anxiety attacks are in response to a certain trigger and build up gradually.  Both are associated with uncomfortable physical symptoms such as racing heart, change in breathing, shaking, chills, nausea and sweating.  Panic attacks are quite common, with about 11% of people in the United States reporting at least 1 panic attack in a year.  Females are 2x more likely to experience panic attacks than males.  Most panic attacks peak within 10 minutes with majority of sufferers reporting panic attack symptoms lasting between 5-20 minutes however some attacks can be longer.  Researchers are unsure why panic attacks happen however some research suggests a dysfunction in the amygdala which is the part of the brain that processes fear.  While other research suggests chemical imbalances in GABA, cortisol and serotonin.  Risk factors for experiencing a panic attack include: a family history, co-occurring mental health conditions and adverse childhood experiences (ACES). Those with a family history of panic attacks are 40% more likely to experience a panic attack than those with no family history. 


For some, experiencing panic attacks will lead to a further diagnosis of panic disorder.  Not everyone who has panic attacks will qualify for panic disorder diagnosis however a trained clinician will use the DSM-5 -American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) criteria to assess the individual.  According to the DSM, panic disorder occurs when the individual has had multiple, unexpected panic attacks, usually without warning.  The attacks must also not be associated with another mental health or physical condition.  In addition to experiencing panic attacks the individual must also have a persistent worry for more than a month regarding having another panic attack which results in the individual changing behaviors in order to avoid situations that may trigger another attack. The most effective form of psychotherapy for panic disorder is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with exposure therapy (ERP). An individual can also make lifestyle changes such as avoiding caffeine, alcohol and smoking as well as exercising regularly, eating healthy and managing stress effectively.  With treatment, most people will be able to successfully manage their panic attacks leading to less impairment.  Though panic attacks are not physically harmful, if left untreated panic disorder can result in decreased quality of life and impairment in social functioning.


OCD Subtypes


Generalized Anxiety Disorder