Who We Serve



The Center for Anxiety Disorders services children from age 6 years and older. Common problems addressed in therapy are behavior problems (body-focused repetitive behaviors, disciplinary issues, discipline problems) and anxiety (obsessive-compulsive disorder, fears about going to school, going to sleep at night, specific phobias). It is common for the child's parents to be an active part of the treatment process, as they are critical people in the child's life and can affect the most change. 



The Center for Anxiety also works with adolescents. While most adolescents we see present with some anxiety or OC-spectrum concern, we also focus on identifying developmental issues that need to be addressed, and helping the adolescent successfully negotiate them. Because adolescents often have strained relationships with their parents, treatment almost always involves their parents and/or significant family members,



Over half of the clients of the Center for Anxiety Disorders are adults with a variety of different presenting problems. We provide services for people who are experiencing changes in their lives (career change, divorce, relationship issues, job loss, and infertility), depression, anxiety, compulsive behaviors, and personality difficulties. Most of the clinicians have special expertise in treating anxiety disorders or people who engage in body-focused repetitive behaviors such as hair pulling (trichotillomania) and self-injurious skin picking. Depending on the nature of the concern, family members or significant others may benefit from learning about the treatment.